1. Introduction
This document (published in electronic format at: https://www.DentConnect.ro, together with all the other documents to which it refers, represents what we will generically call “Terms and Conditions” or “Terms”, that is the rules that will regulate the situation between us, as a Seller and you, as a Customer who decides to purchase a good or a service from our site.
1.1 Who are we?
Below you will find our identification data:
Company name: SC DentConnect SRL
Headquarters: Romania, Mure; county, Tg Mureș, Mihai Viteazu Street no. 40
Unique identification code: 46917894
Phone: 0771735518
Email: contact@dentconnect.ro
We are a company that offers products and services through the site www.dentconnect.ro, (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Site”) and / or other tools made available to the Seller for accessing e-learning services, as well as all profiles / media pages associated with this brand, including but not limited to Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DentConnectRO, and we will all refer to “Platform”)
Accessing the Platform implies unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions which we will detail below. If you do not accept these Terms, we will not be able to enter into a contract with you, that is, we will not be able to deliver your products or provide the services you request, including responding to any requests you may have.
1.2 Who are you?
You are a person who arrives on the Platform in search of a Product that we could offer you. You are currently a Site User. The moment you place an order with us on the Site, and we will begin the necessary steps to honor it, you will become a Customer, because you will enter into a contractual relationship with us (through a contract that is concluded at a distance, that is, by electronic means).
The user confirms that he has read and fully accepted the Terms and conditions of use presented on the website at the time of registration.
The user ticks:
☐ I hereby state that I am at least 16 years of age, and I agree with the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
* The user has read and completely accepted the Terms and conditions of use of the Platform.
In order to register, access and use the DentConnect platform, users have the following obligations:
a) to fill in the registration form with real personal information;
b) to read carefully and accept the Terms and conditions of use of the platform;
c) to ensure that they comply with all the legal obligations incumbent on them in relation to all the content uploaded to DentConnect, that they have obtained all the necessary agreements, that they have notified accordingly the persons whose data they use; in particular, the User ensures that it complies with the legislation regarding the protection of personal data (both the national laws of the user’s country of residence and the European regulations), as well as any other regulations regarding intellectual property or industrial rights, where appropriate;
d) to consent to the use of the data uploaded for medical purposes, in order to establish a diagnosis and treatment, as well as to access this data by any member of the medical team established by the attending physician; as an option, the User may agree to use his data for the compilation and publication of medical, scientific or educational studies or be a model for natural dental forms (biometric data);
e) not to damage the image and interests of the Seller and not affect the security of the DentConnect Platform through their activity; In this regard, Users are strictly prohibited:
Download, offer, disseminate or save any material that may violate personal rights, copyright, personal data rights or which may constitute a crime; in particular illegal downloading of music, movies or software is strictly forbidden;
To download, offer, disseminate or save any defamatory, offensive, discriminatory, racist, offensive or pornographic content in any circumstance;
To install and use unauthorized software;
To offer or to disseminate / to express religious or political material / opinions;
f) promptly inform the Seller of any incident related to the Content uploaded on the DentConnect Platform that could affect the confidentiality, integrity and security of the uploaded content; an incident may refer to any risk that may result in the disclosure of the content of unauthorized persons, loss or theft of data, attempts to access the system that allows unauthorized access to the content, detection of deleted or unauthorized content, any virus or cyberattack on platform. The user will be reported by the user to the Seller within 24 hours from the moment he became aware of this incident by e-mail to contact@dentconnect.ro
g) to use a civilized and appropriate language in the comments published in the discussions with other users.
1.3 Definitions. Purpose
(1) Because there are already many details and information to be taken into account, we have decided to define certain terms that we will use today, in order to facilitate the browsing of the document. You can find these terms below:
(2) The following terms used in capital letters shall have the following meanings, unless expressly stated otherwise:
“Seller” means DentConnect SRL, a limited liability company, as identified in section 1.1
“Products” means any goods (products) or services that are offered to the Customer for the purchase, at a cost, through the Platform.
“Client / User” means any natural or legal person, physician, patient or healthcare professional who registers on the Platform in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. The use of the term “user” refers to both the user of the doctor, the patient and the care staff. Customers access the Platform and place an Order to purchase the Products offered for sale by the Seller. The Client also means a legal person who places an Order through a natural person on its behalf.
“Order” means an order placed by the Customer through the Platform by which the Customer expresses its commitment to purchase one or more Products, under the conditions provided in this document and / or agreed with the Seller through a means of distance communication.
“Account” means the section of the Platform accessible to the Client by the use, with identification role, of an e-mail address and a password, which allows the Client to send an Order and which contains information about the Client and the client’s history in the Platform (eg, Orders previous, tax invoices, guarantees, etc.).
“Contract” means the consensual understanding of the distance between the Seller and the Customer, without their simultaneous physical presence, regarding the sale or purchase, respectively, of one or more Products on the Platform, by issuing an Order by the Customer and accepting it by Seller, in compliance with the legal provisions and the terms and conditions for the online sale of Seller services and products.
“Return period” means the period of 30 (thirty) calendar days, as stipulated by the legislation in force applicable to the rights of consumers in the contracts concluded at a distance with the professionals (or any other period that may become compulsory according to the relevant legislation in Romania), within which the Customer has the right to return the Seller’s Products. The return procedure and how it is valid and applied is described in this document.
“Platform” means the websites owned or used by the Seller, including pages and profiles on social networks, having the domain DentConnect.ro and its subdomains or affiliated sites such as dentaleventscalendar.com, thenewagedentist.com, biddent.ro and, if it is their sub-domains and they use the Seller’s logos, through which the Seller presents the Products offered for sale, and the Customers can choose the Products they wish to purchase, respectively to pay them in one of the payment methods accepted by the Seller. Also, the Platform is used for the processing and administration of Orders in order to deliver the Products and to record the payments related to their sale. If there is an Application, the Platform will include, where applicable, this component.
DentConnect is a platform created to facilitate the online access of the general public to courses and educational materials in the field of dental medicine and technology and other various fields of activity, in particular regarding the development of entrepreneurship and business development skills, explained as such. site.
The platform offers the opportunity to interact with other users to establish a diagnosis, create working groups, exchange views, study information published by other users, and publish case studies and specialty articles.
The seller will take all the necessary actions to provide the customers with the highest quality material, current and relevant to the subject area of the course.
For this purpose and to ensure an efficient management of the materials on the site, the Seller reserves the right to eliminate the materials that are no longer of interest, which have been replaced with updated materials, which will no longer reach a certain quality standard, which from any other such reasons will be considered unfit or for which the broadcasting right negotiated with the experts of the courses has expired. Therefore, the company does not guarantee the constant maintenance of all materials on DentConnect.ro
Before the deletion of a course, the Seller will communicate this aspect to the customers through the Platform and will offer a grace period from the first communication to the elimination of the content in question.
The services offered through the site are exclusively those related to the areas of activity presented on the first page of the site.
Please note that the services that you can access through the site do not represent medical, tax, accounting, legal or other consultancy and do not replace the specialized services in such areas recommended for any user.
Content: – any course, document, material, photograph, including STL files, CBCT etc., tutorial or other similar materials uploaded by users on the DentConnect platform.
Personal data: – any information related to the User that allows its direct or indirect identification, such as first name, first name, telephone number, e-mail, address, health information and provided by the user on the DentConnect Platform for medical purposes , statistical and / or academic, bank account etc.
“Specifications” means any details regarding the characteristics of the Products as specified in the description available on their packaging and on the Platform.
“Transaction” means the payment operation performed by the Customer, respectively collected by the Seller, of a sum of money as a result of the sale by the Seller, respectively the purchase by the Customer, of one or more Products.
Intellectual property rights with respect to the DentConnect Platform, including, but not limited to: * Copyright on the content, software and other components of the Platform, as well as on all rights acquired and legally protected on the Platform regarding the provision of the services presented by the DentConnect Platform;
* Industrial property rights, such as trademarks and patents.
(3) This document establishes the terms and conditions applicable to the relationships that arise between the Seller and each Client using the Platform for the purpose, on the occasion or after the execution of an Order.
(4) The titles are included in this document for the ease of browsing and structuring the document and will not affect its interpretation.
(5) In order to avoid any doubt, in accordance with the business policy established independently and unilaterally by the Seller, the sale in the online environment (ie, through the Platform) of the Products normally marketed by the Seller is made to consumers natural persons or to legal entities. If certain Products are limited only to a certain category of Customers, this shall be specified within the Specifications or in another visible place next to the Product (such as, for example, certain Products intended only for legal persons or persons only physical).
(6) Aspects regarding the confidentiality and processing of personal data related to the use, in any form, of the Platform are governed by the privacy policy / information note (“Privacy Policy”), which complements these Terms and Conditions. View the Privacy Policy here.
(7) The use of the Platform implies the express acceptance by any Client of these terms and conditions and of the Privacy Policy, as well as of other documents that have been indicated during these Terms.
(8) We reserve the right to modify the Terms at any time, and their updated form may be accessed by Customers on the Platform in the “Terms and Conditions” section. The relationship between Seller and User / Customer will be governed by the form at the time of accessing the Site, respectively placing the Order.
(9) These terms and conditions applicable to the online sale are available to the Customer for storage and reproduction.
2. Platform Policy. Main features of the online sale by the Seller
In short: we must all have a correct attitude and not use the Website in ways that are contrary to the law or to good manners. If we suspect that your intention is not to search for or purchase information about Products, we reserve the right not to allow you to place an Order or even limit your access to the Site. The order you place on us on the Site will be considered accepted only when we confirm this.
(1) Access to the Platform for the purpose of placing an Order is allowed to any potential Customer acting for a legitimate purpose and who intends to purchase from us one or more Products, in compliance with these terms and conditions.
(2) By the Client we mean a legal or natural person who is at least 16 years old Certain products on the Platform may only be available for certain categories of customers (for example, doctors or suppliers of products and medical equipment). This aspect will be explained in the description of each product.
(3) Abuse of the Platform is strictly prohibited. It represents an abusive use any kind of use of the Platform in a way that contravenes the correct commercial practices, of the legislation in force or in any other way that would be of any kind to harm us or our Affiliates / Partners (through “Affiliates” “we understand people from the same group that we are part of, and through” Partners “the people with whom we have a collaborative relationship).
(4) We reserve the right to refuse access to some or all of the functions of the Platform and to restrict the processing and / or delivery of an Order if, in our reasonable opinion, there are suspicions of fraud on your part, if it has a behavior that may harm the interests or interests of our Affiliates / Partners or if you misuse the Platform
(5) By using the Platform and, as the case may be, registering an Order, you accept and agree to the form of distance communication (e.g., telephone or e-mail) through which we conduct our operations.
(6) All the information used to describe the Products (including, but not limited to, static or dynamic images, descriptive text, graphic or video presentations) do not impose any obligation on our part, these having exclusively the role of presentation and information. We will do all reasonable diligence to ensure the accuracy of the information regarding the prices, products and their specifications presented on the Platform.
(7) If the prices or any other details related to the Product Specifications have been displayed erroneously on the Platform, for any reason, and you have placed an Order, we will inform you by e-mail or by another approved means of communication, in the shorter time related to such an error.
(8) We may publish on the Platform information about Products and / or promotions we have, either ours or our Affiliates / Partners, within a certain period of time and within the limit of the available stock. Please keep in mind that there may be situations when we will not be able to display the stock or update the data in real time, but we will inform you until we confirm the order, and you will be able to decide whether or not you accept the new conditions.
(9) The products that are the object of the sale in the context of a promotion or campaign of any kind will be subject to the terms and conditions applicable to the respective campaign or promotion, which we will inform you.
(10) Any promotions presented on the Platform are valid for the mentioned duration. In case there is no indicated duration for the promotion, they will be valid within the limits of the available stocks / places.
(11) The notification received by e-mail from you after the execution of the Order regarding the taking over of the said Order is for information purpose and does not represent the acceptance of the Order by us. The order is considered accepted by us at the latest with the delivery, respectively the supply in electronic format, of the Products ordered by you. If you have already made the Payment for this Order and we will not accept it, we will refund your transferred amounts.
(12) For justified reasons (including, but not limited to, the lack of stock of some Products), we reserve the right to change the type or quantity of the Products in the Order. In such a situation, we will notify you immediately of the change, and you will be able to accept or refuse the change of the Order. In the event that you refuse, the Order is considered canceled, and the parties will be re-placed in the situation prior to the issuance of the Order (including by us reimbursing any amounts collected, if applicable) and without any liability to you.
(13) The order is accepted and the Contract is considered concluded between us and you, when you receive a notification of shipment (by phone call / SMS / e-mail / push notification or otherwise) of the Products in the Order (when we speak of physical, physical goods), when we begin to provide the Services, when we provide you with a download link or an e-mail to access the Product or as indicated in the Specifications.
(14) Please note that this document is part of the Contract (together with all other documents we refer to, as well as any subsequent agreements between us and you regarding the Order, regardless of whether they are made in writing, on electronic or physical support).
(15) You can generally contact us at the e-mail address in the “Contact” section of the Platform for any questions or problems you have regarding the Order, including to identify and correct any errors that occur when entering the data. depending on the technical developments of the Site or the Application, it is possible to have at hand other methods of communication with us (such as online chat, communication from your Client account, social networks, etc.), which we will have for you However, if you do not tell us about these issues prior to issuing the notification or beginning to provide the Services, these changes can only be made in exceptional cases, which does not involve a disproportionate effort on our part and which they are legally valid.
3. Orders
In short: we explain how you can place an order for a Product, how we process orders, what are our rights and obligations, and when you consider a completed order and how to proceed to make the Payment.
(1) You may place an Order by one of the means indicated on the Site, such as: through the Platform, online by e-mail, by telephone, by the online messenger box on the Site, by a comment or message on the social networks ( for example, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn) or through communication applications such as WhatsApp.
(2) You will be able to place an Order, consisting of one or more Products, through the Platform, with the registration of an account in advance, by adding the desired Products to the shopping cart. In case the Products will have to be modified according to the specifications, you will have to choose one of the options, if it is available or to send us some additional information when placing the Order. If you fail to do so, we reserve the right not to make any further changes to the Order, especially if it would include a disproportionate effort on our part (such as changing the delivery address, billing data or other specifications that may be adapted).
(3) You will be able to make an Account in the dedicated section of the Platform, according to the instructions existing on the Platform at that time (such as with an e-mail address and a password, identification with a social network account such as Facebook / Google or other available method). If you make an Account, you will be able to manage the Orders placed on the Platform, having the possibility to view in the Account information about previous Orders, tax invoices, guarantees etc.
(4) Orders can be placed at any time, but as a rule they will be processed only on working days, between 8 and 17 hours. Any Order placed on a Saturday, Sunday, or any day declared by law as a public holiday will be processed on the next business day. In the case of the Products delivered electronically, it is possible that the processing will intervene automatically and the Product will be delivered immediately after the Transaction is performed, usually depending on the payment method chosen.
(5) We reserve the right to validate the Orders before their honor and we will contact you by telephone, e-mail or other available method, and you expressly declare that you accept this right of ours.
(6) The addition of a Product to the shopping cart, in the absence of the completion of the Order, does not result in the registration of an Order and implicitly neither in the automatic reservation of the Product added to the shopping cart, but unpaid.
(7) The order will be considered finalized by the full payment by you of the price of the Products from the Order, by one of the payment methods accepted by us as indicated expressly on the Platform and which you can consult at the latest at the beginning of the formulation process. of the Order. If it is available and you choose the payment by bank transfer / payment order / internet banking, the payment will be considered to be received by us at the time of the actual debit of our account indicated on the proforma / fiscal invoice. Please keep in mind that from the moment you make the payment you can spend up to 7 days until the payment can be effectively identified in our account, in which case the payment is not considered finalized. Once added to the shopping cart, a Product is available for purchase to the extent that the respective Product exists in the Seller’s stock.
(8) By completing the Order, you confirm that all the data you have provided are correct, complete and true at the date of placing the Order. By placing an Order, you explicitly acknowledge that the respective Order implies your firm obligation to pay the “total payment amount” indicated. Other changes to the Orders (such as identification data, e-mail addresses or delivery addresses can only be made if this is technically possible, without incurring any additional cost to us).
(9) By creating an Account or, as the case may be, finalizing the Order, you agree that we can contact you, by any available means, respectively automated system of call without human intervention, fax, e-mail, in any situation in which it is it is necessary to contact you to complete and process the Order. The lack of an answer from you, through one of the communication means made available through the Platform at our request, can invalidate the Order.
(10) Products purchased through the Platform may not be resold or distributed for commercial purposes, being intended for personal use, unless otherwise stated in the Specifications. Also, please keep in mind that in the case of Products with online access, the Sale is nominal, so that the access credentials (such as username and password) will not be transmitted to another person. In the case of webinars, masterclasses or other events with a physical presence, the reservation and participation in the event is nominal and changes can only be made if this is logistically possible and does not involve costs on our part. As a general rule, we reserve the right to limit the purchase of the Products to a maximum number of Products for each Customer, the number being determined independently by the Seller and communicated to the Customer prior to placing the order, either at the Specifications or in the general policy regarding the management of the Products.
(11) We will be able to subcontract a third party to deliver the Products that are the subject of the Order, which we will inform you about (such as when the Order is finalized when we tell you with which courier we do the transport or when you communicate your AWB data), not needing your agreement. Also, for offering certain products, such as webinars, distance courses, etc. we will be able to call on specialized service providers in this regard (including online platforms), without your consent being required.
(12) We will be able to cancel an Order placed by you, with a concomitant or subsequent notification, and without such cancellation attracting any responsibility of ours towards you, in the following cases:
(a) the bank that issued your card does not accept the Transaction, in the case of online payment;
(b) our card processor we collaborate with does not validate or invalidate the Transaction (for example, either because there are insufficient funds, or for other reasons, according to the processor’s policy), in the case of online payment;
(c) the payment is not completed within the term indicated by the proforma invoice, in the case of payment by bank transfer / internet banking;
(d) the data you provide to us when accessing the Platform are incomplete or incorrect;
(e) you do not confirm the Order when we contact you for this purpose;
(f) we reasonably believe that by accessing the Platform and placing the Order you are pursuing an unlawful purpose or that may cause any kind of new harm to our Affiliates or Partners;
(g) any of the terms and conditions of this document have not been complied with.
4. Prices. Billing. The payment
In short: to benefit from our Products, you must pay the amount indicated for them, as displayed at the time of order completion, by one of the available methods (payment by card / bank transfer).
(1) The prices of the Products displayed on the Platform or communicated to the Customer are expressed in Euro or Lei and may or may not include T.V.A. according to the legislation in force, as they will be displayed on the site. Any shipping or delivery charges are not included, unless expressly displayed at the time of order completion. The prices valid for the Products are those displayed on the Platform or communicated to the Customer when completing an Order.
(2) We will be able to update the prices of the Products at any time, and such an update will replace any prices previously displayed for the respective Products.
(3) For those Products for which we cannot indicate in advance the price and, as the case may be, all the additional costs of transport or delivery, we will be able to provide you with a price calculator or we will contact you by e-mail / through the Account created in this sense.
(4) We will issue you an invoice for the Products purchased / delivered, your obligation being to provide us with all the necessary information according to the legislation in force for issuing the invoice by us – please pay more attention when entering the data, because we will not could modify the data from the proforma / fiscal invoices issued. In case of Payment by bank transfer, we will initially issue a proforma invoice, following that after our account is debited with the corresponding amount inscribed on this invoice, we will proceed to issue the fiscal invoice.
(5) As a general rule, we will send you the invoice for the Order for the Products sold / delivered either in material format (on paper support) at the delivery of the Products, or in electronic format, by e-mail and / or in your Client account, which we encourage you to check constantly (it is also possible that our messages will reach the SPAM folder, so please check there).
(6) According to the legislation in force in Romania, when we accept payment by bank card, we will not request additional payments.
(7) In the case of online payments, we are not and cannot be held responsible for any other costs incurred by you in addition to the price of the Product purchased including, but not limited to, bank transfer or currency conversion fees applied by the issuing bank of the Client’s card, if the currency of issuing the card differs from the currency in which the sale is made.
5. Delivery of Products
In short: we will only deliver the Products after you pay them in full by one of the modalities displayed on the site.
(1) Depending on the specificity of the products / services, the delivery of the Products may be done either in electronic format (when we speak of digital products / services or confirmations of participation in an event) or in physical format, at an address communicated by the Client at the time of placing the Order.
(2) In the case of physical products, the Delivery of the Products will take place anywhere in Romania /, in the European Union /, USA / other states, within the period communicated before the completion of an Order. Please note that this delivery time is an indicative one, based on the previous orders in the respective areas and that it may undergo changes, of which we will make every effort to notify you in due time. We will not be responsible for delays in the delivery of the Products arising for reasons not attributable to us or because of a carrier (i.e., courier, post office, etc.).
(3) The delivery of the Products will be made at no cost or free of charge, depending on the conditions applicable to the Order, which will be communicated to you prior to the completion of the Order. If this is the case, we will inform you about the delivery methods available and you will be able to choose one of these methods before the order is finalized.
(4) In case when the Products are delivered, we cannot find you at the address indicated in the Accepted Order, the delivery will be tried again, after which the Products will be returned, you will bear the costs of a new shipment, regardless of the value Ordered products.
(5) We will make every effort to ensure the proper packaging of the Products together with the Specifications and all necessary accompanying documents.
(6) In the case of digital products, the Delivery of the Products will be done in electronic format, by providing a code, download link or other method that we provide and that we will communicate to you by e-mail / in your Account of Customer. Delivery will be made after full payment of the Products.
(7) The Seller reserves the right to delay or cancel any delivery of the Products ordered if it cannot be honored for reasons independent of the Seller’s will which include but are not limited to: force majeure events, wars, acts of terrorism, protests, riots, civil unrest, fires, explosions, floods, epidemics, strikes, etc.
6. Transfer of risk and ownership over the Products
In short: after you buy a Product from us, all risks are transferred to you.
(1) If we personally deliver the products to you, the risk of loss or damage of the Products is transferred to you when you or a third party designated by you, other than the carrier, enter into the physical possession of the Products.
(2) If we call on third parties to make the Delivery (such as courier services, postal services or third parties), the risk will be transferred to you at the time of delivery of the Products to that carrier, without prejudice to the rights you have towards them. it (for example, when the carrier damages your Products).
(3) The ownership of the Products will be transferred upon delivery, after you have made the payment, at the delivery location indicated in the Order. The delivery will be considered made by you signing the transport document provided by the courier or by signing the receipt on the tax invoice or on another delivery document in case of deliveries made by the Seller.
(4) In the case of digital products, you will receive a non-exclusive license to access the respective product, limited to a certain period of time or unlimited, depending on the characteristics of the product, the property right remaining ours or of the person expressly indicated in the Specifications / another place of identification. The Product Specifications will explicitly mention the licensing period, as well as the access to certain future facilities and whether or not they will be at an additional cost.
7. The right of withdrawal of the Client
In short: in general, most of the Products sold through the platform are digital products with immediate execution, for which, according to the legislation, you do not have a right of withdrawal. However, in some cases we will expressly indicate in the Specifications, when you purchase a Product online from us, you have the right to give it back in 30 days, without telling us why you want to do so.
(1) If you are a natural person, you have the right to unilaterally terminate the Contract for certain Products, within 30 (thirty) calendar days (“withdrawal period”), without having to justify the withdrawal decision and without supporting others costs other than those established by law.
(2) The withdrawal period expires within 30 (thirty) calendar days from:
(a) the date of the conclusion of the Contract, in the case of Contracts that have as object the provision of services;
(b) the day on which the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer, enters into the physical possession of the Products, or:
(i) if the Customer makes a single Order for multiple Products that will be delivered separately, the day on which the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer, enters into the physical possession of the last Product;
(ii) in the case of the delivery of a Product consisting of several lots or pieces, the day on which the Client or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Client, enters into physical possession of the last Product or the last piece;
(iii) in the case of Contracts for the periodic delivery of Products for a specified period of time, the day on which the Customer or a third party, other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer, enters into the physical possession of the first Product.
(3) In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us about your decision to withdraw from the Contract. For this purpose, you can choose one of the following options:
(a) to send to [the Seller’s registered office – Street Mihai Viteazu, no 40, Tg Mureș, Mureș County], to the e-mail address in the “Contact” section of the Platform or through another method made available to the Client an unequivocal statement in who expresses your decision to withdraw from the Contract;
(b) to send to the [Seller’s registered office – Strada Mihai Viteazu, no 40, Tg Mureș, Mureș County] or to the e-mail address (contact@dentconnect.ro) a form with the following content:
“To: (__) SRL
(address of the Company – Street Mihai Viteazu, no 40, Tg Mureș, Mureș County)
I hereby inform you of my withdrawal from the Contract regarding the sale of the following Products: (__), ordered on the date / received on (__).
Consumer Name: (__)
Consumer address: (__)
Consumer’s signature (only if this form is sent to the Seller on paper): (__)
Date: (__) ”
(4) The exercise by the Customer of the right of withdrawal puts an end to the obligations of the Client and the Seller, as the case may be:
(a) to execute the Contract;
(b) to conclude a Contract, if the Customer has placed an Order.
(5) Unless the Seller has offered to retrieve the Products, the Customer returns the Products or sends them to the Seller or to a person authorized by it to receive the Products, without undue delay and within a maximum of 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date at which the Customer communicated to the Seller his decision to withdraw from the Contract. The term is respected if the Products are sent by the Client to the Seller before the expiration of the period of 30 (thirty) calendar days.
(6) The Customer only incurs the direct costs related to the return of the Products, unless the Seller agrees to bear those costs and informs the Client about it.
(7) The Seller shall reimburse all amounts received as payment from the Customer, including, as the case may be, the costs of delivery, without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date on which is informed about the Client’s decision to withdraw from the Contract.
(8) The reimbursement of the amounts is made using the same payment methods as those used by the Client for the initial Transaction, the Client being unable to opt for another way of repayment, unless the Seller expressly provides this possibility to him.
(9) The Seller is not obliged to reimburse the additional costs if the Customer has explicitly chosen a different type of delivery than the standard delivery offered by the Seller.
(10) The Seller may postpone the reimbursement until the date of receipt of the Products that have been the subject of the Contract or until the receipt of an evidence from the Client according to which he sent the Products to the Seller, taking into account the nearest date.
(11) According to the legislation in force applicable to contracts concluded at a distance, the right of withdrawal is not guaranteed in the case:
(a) service contracts, after the complete provision of services, if the execution began with the express prior consent of the Client and after the latter has confirmed that he has become aware that he will lose his right of withdrawal after the complete execution of the Contract by Seller;
(b) the supply of Products made according to the specifications presented by the Customer or clearly personalized;
(c) the supply of Products that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
(d) the supply of Sealed Products which cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons and which have been unsealed by the Customer;
(e) the supply of Products which, after delivery, according to their nature, inseparably mixed with other elements;
(f) the contracts in connection with which the Customer has specifically requested the Seller to move to his home to perform urgent repair or maintenance work. If, on the occasion of such a visit, the Seller provides services other than those expressly requested by the Customer or supplies other products than the spare parts indispensable for the execution of the maintenance or repair work, the right of withdrawal applies to those additional services or products ;
(g) Products / Services for which it is not possible to return the products according to the legislation in force (ie. tickets to events, food, cosmetics, digital licenses, etc.).
(h) Delivery and purchase of the Products by legal persons, unless the Seller decides to grant
Please bear in mind that most of the Products on the Platform are digital licenses (access based on username and password) for which you expressly agree that you do not reimburse the amounts paid, the delivery of the Product is considered to be made with execution. integral at the time of payment in exchange for access. In exceptional cases, we will be able to decide, at our discretion and discretion, the reimbursement of certain amounts (total or partial) depending on certain particular cases, according to our commercial policy, but it does not attract our responsibility or obligation to do so constantly.
8. Statement regarding the personal data of the user
In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation), the DentConnect Platform collects, processes and stores personal data for the purpose of recording and verifying information recorded by users.
In this regard, the Seller has the obligation to manage safely and only for the specified purposes the personal data that the Users provide in connection with their own person.
Since the DentConnect Platform is not open to the general public, being a private space dedicated exclusively to users of legal age, the registration and verification of the persons who create an account necessarily implies the collection and processing of personal data absolutely necessary for this purpose:
* Name surname
* Email Address
* Word
The creation of accounts requires the registration of the email in order to obtain a double authentication for the first authentication. In this regard, the User will click on the confirmation email link to authenticate and complete the account creation procedure.
At the same time, the processing of sensitive personal data that is the subject of this platform will only take place based on the express consent of the Users, granted according to the specific purpose of the data processing, in accordance with the chapter on user agreement.
Personal information we may collect or store may also include information about the computer or mobile device you use and your Internet browser, computer or type of mobile device, including any other versions or desktop devices you use. and any other information about how you use the DentConnect platform (time spent on the website, activity on the site, number of visits, comments posted or other information you record on the website …).
We may use the personal data provided by the User when creating his account for the following purposes (subject to applicable legal restrictions): * to provide the User with specific services; * improving the quality of the services offered; * to issue the invoice and to process the payment of the fee charged for using the Platform; * to notify the User when platform updates are available.
The DentConnect platform will not distribute, sell or rent in any way the personal data included in our databases, except with the consent of the User or at the request of the courts or other authorized public institutions.
The seller undertakes to comply with the following obligations:
a) to act in the best way to achieve the purpose of the Service;
b) to apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or illegal destruction, loss, modification, disclosure or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illegal processing;
c) to apply appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data of the Patient User recorded in the medical record can only be disclosed to the treating physician, technical staff and other medical users, if they are granted in the medical team.
d) ensure the encryption of the content uploaded by users on the Platform, so that it is not available to third parties or other users, unless the user chooses to share such content;
e) to ensure all technical and legal measures, so as to guarantee the safe storage of the content;
By accessing the Platform, duly completing and submitting the form available on the Platform, the User confirms and accepts, expressly and unequivocally, that the Seller may process his personal data for the purpose mentioned above. In this regard, the User ticks the box “I agree with the Terms and conditions of use of the DentConnect Platform”.
The Seller processes the personal data of the User for the entire period of time necessary to achieve the aforementioned purpose and even later, in accordance with the applicable laws. Also, personal data will be processed on three levels, namely “production”, “staging” and “testing”. However, the User has the right at any time to request the deletion of the registered personal data, to leave the DentConnect Platform and to be forgotten, regardless of the technical level at which the data were processed.
The Seller collects and processes the personal data of the User only on the basis of the consent given by the User at the time of registration on the DentConnect Platform and for the purpose of executing a contract (within the meaning of Article 6 (1) (b) of EU Regulation 679/2016).
The DentConnect platform is considered a private space for users who have created a personal account. Therefore, newsfeed content may be visible to other users or the general public
Articles published on the Platform that include information of Users who are data subjects and who have expressed their consent for this purpose, will be visible only to the Users of the Platform. Articles that have been published in the spotlight environment will also be visible to users not registered on the Platform or on the public online platforms.
In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (General Regulation on data protection), the User, as a data subject, has the following rights:
a) The right to information. You have the right to receive clear, transparent, understandable and easily accessible information about how we process your data, including details about your rights as a data subject. This information about the data, the purpose and how we process your data is also included in this policy.
b) The right of access to personal data. You have the right to access the data we process about you without incurring any charge for the first data provided. If you need copies of the data already provided, we may charge a reasonable fee, given the administrative costs of providing such data.
c) The right to rectify personal data. If you find that your data we process is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate: you can rectify it directly in your customer account.
d) The right to object. At any time, you have the right to object, for reasons related to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data. We will no longer process your personal data unless (i) we have legitimate and compelling reasons that justify processing and prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of any data subject; or (ii) if the data is necessary to establish, exercise or defend our rights in court.
e) The right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on automatic processing. You have the right not to be the subject of such a decision, including profiling, which has legal effects that affect or significantly affect you.
Your right does not apply if the decision:
(i) is necessary for the conclusion of a contract or for the performance of a contract between you and the Platform;
(ii) is authorized by EU or Romanian law, which also provides for appropriate measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the data subject.
f) The right to delete data (the right to be forgotten). You have the right to ask us to delete your data in any of the following situations: You have the right to ask us to delete your data in any of the following situations;
(a) you withdraw your consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal reason for the further processing;
(b) you object to the processing on the basis of our legitimate interest and we cannot prove that we have legitimate interests to justify processing and that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms;
(c) personal data have been processed illegally;
(d) personal data must be deleted in order to comply with our legal obligations. This is not an absolute right.
We may reject your request for deletion if:
(i) we are obliged to comply with the legal obligations of data storage;
(ii) your data has been included in specialized articles and / or reflectors for which you have given your consent; or
(iii) if the data is necessary to establish, exercise or defend our rights in court.
g) The right to portability. When processing the data based on your consent or for the performance of the contract, you will automatically have the right to request the transfer of your data:
(a) to you or
(b) to another operator indicated by you. The second situation implies that you have the option to request us to transfer the data associated with the user account to another data operator. Please note that you may be required to bring your personal data that you have directly and actively disclosed.
h) The right to notify the courts. You have the right to send any complaint to the Romanian Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data, A.N.S.P.D.C.P., about how we process your personal data. However, we hope you decide to discuss with us first before sending any complaints to A.N.S.P.D.C.P. Protecting your data is very important to us, which is why we assure you that we will take all necessary steps to resolve any issues with the control and security of your data.
In order to exercise these rights, the User may contact the Seller by e-mail at contact@dentconnect.ro. The refusal to provide the personal data necessary for the purpose mentioned above and the subsequent request to delete the personal data of the User implies the deletion of the user’s account from the system and the impossibility of receiving the Service through the Online Platform.
9. Limits of liability
9.1 The Seller does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee the qualifications, experience or professionalism of the Users of the DentConnect Platform. Users are able to personally evaluate these issues by studying the information presented and discussions on specific topics.
9.2 The Seller is not responsible for how the users of the DentConnect platform use the data and information recorded on the platform
9.3 The Seller is not responsible for the content of the data, information, studies, articles and diagnoses entered on the DentConnect Platform.
9.4 The seller is not responsible for violating the provisions of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 regarding the collection, processing and use of the personal data of third parties under this Agreement by the users of the platform. The user was informed and accepted the sole responsibility for any damages that could result from the violation of the legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data.
9.5 The user assumes sole responsibility for the use of the Platform and the content posted on the DentConnect platform.
10. Guarantees
In short: Our products benefit from the guarantees offered by the legislation in force and that apply to us. In case the warranty is not applicable (ie in the case of specific services or products), we will indicate under the Products the existing guarantees or in our general order management policy.
10.1 Guarantee of physical products
(1) All the physical Products sold by us benefit from the legal guarantee of compliance, according to the legislation in force. Clear details related to these guarantees are given by the product sheets and no Customer can request an extended warranty, for a period longer than the one mentioned in the Specifications / manufacturer’s sheets / other documents provided by the Seller. The warranty applies to normal conditions of use and is valid only for products purchased and paid by the Seller’s Customer.
(2) In accordance with the legislation in force, if applicable, the Products benefit from a guarantee of compliance according to Law no. 449/2003. If an extended warranty term is specified in the Product presentation, then the longer term will apply.
(3) Our liability, in accordance with the provisions of articles 9-14 of Law no. 449/2003, may be employed if the lack of conformity appears within a period of 2 years, which is calculated from the Delivery of the Product, for the Products with an average duration of use of at least 2 years.
(4) The guarantee involves the following stages: (a) the replacement of the Products and (b) the reimbursement of the value for the non-compliant products.
10.2 Guarantee of electronic products / with electronic access
(1) In the case of electronic / digital products that require immediate access, you agree that you will not benefit from a legal guarantee, in accordance with the provisions in force.
(2) However, since our desire is to have satisfied customers permanently, we will be able to implement a commercial guarantee policy for certain types of Digital Products offered by which we can return the amounts paid (in whole or in part) in a certain term.
(3) The exact conditions of the reimbursement of the amounts previously mentioned in point 8.2. (214 (fourteen)) will be indicated next to each Product.
11. Intellectual Property
In short: everything you see on the Site belongs to us from the point of view of intellectual property or we have the right to use them, and you agree not to violate these rights and to use nothing on the Site without our consent.
(1) The commercial names, trademarks, copyrights and any other intellectual property rights registered or pending registration regarding Products owned or used by the Seller are and will remain the exclusive property of the Seller or, as the case may be, the Seller’s licensors. The client will have no rights and no claims regarding them.
(2) The user / client will not act in any way that could prejudice the rights provided in art. 9 (1) above. The user / customer undertakes not to use in his activity any sign or name similar or identical with the trademarks, trade names of the Products etc., either as part of a name or in any other way.
(3) All information available on the Platform (including, but not limited to, static or dynamic images, text, logos, symbols, commercial representations, videos, etc.) that can be viewed or accessed in any way through the use of electronic equipment, the content of the emails sent to the User / Client by the Seller, any information communicated to the User / Client (including, but not limited to, data regarding the Seller, its activity, etc.) by any means by a representative of the Seller are and remain the exclusive property of the Seller, to him being reserved all the rights obtained in this sense directly or indirectly (such as by use and / or publication licenses, exclusive / non-exclusive, limited / unlimited in time, etc. ). The user / client may copy, transfer and / or use such data only for personal purposes or outside a professional activity and only if it does not conflict with these terms and conditions.
(4) It is expressly forbidden any other way to use the content available on the Site / Platform for purposes other than those permitted by this Agreement or in the conditions of use accompanying it, if they exist.
12. Advertising & commercial communications
In short: when we do direct marketing activities, we ask for your consent in advance. But there will be situations where we will send you commercial communications based on our legitimate interest, as we explained in the Privacy Policy
(1) You can express your consent to receive commercial communications by electronic mail [/ SMS / phone calls / WhatsApp / social networks], allowing us and our collaborators to make such communications, by checking the specific option at the end of these terms and conditions or in the dedicated area of the Platform.
(2) You may at any time revoke your consent regarding such commercial communications by:
– sending a written request to the e-mail address in the “Contact” section of the Platform or by another method made available – in this case, the revocation will take effect within 48 (forty-eight) hours after the initiation. procedure;
– renouncing the receipt of newsletters or commercial communications, at any time, by accessing the dedicated link found in any Newsletter;
– Checking the option to withdraw consent in the dedicated section on the Platform, where it exists.
(3) The present procedure will be mentioned in all commercial communications that we will send to you.
(4) Our newsletters and commercial communications are transmitted through our specialized and agreed partners, with whom you agree.
(5) The renunciation by you upon receiving the Newsletters or other commercial communications does not imply the renunciation of the acceptance given for the rest of the terms and conditions regarding the online sales made by the Seller and will produce effects for the future only, the previous processing being considered to be legal. Please keep in mind that it is possible that after sending the revocation of the consent, you will receive for a short period of commercial communications from us, until the database is completely updated or in case of a back-up.
(6) We reserve the right to select the persons to whom Newsletters and other commercial communications will be sent, as well as to remove from the database any User or Client who has previously expressed consent for the receipt of Newseletter and other commercial communications, without no subsequent commitment or any notification from us, being unable to be held responsible for these actions.
13. Liability
In short: you are responsible for the Orders placed, the data provided and the way you use our Site.
13.1 Content generated by you as a User or Customer
(1) All content (text, photo, video, etc.) you post through the Platform (such as product reviews or comments left on social networks), hereinafter referred to as “Content” is the sole responsibility of the person who created a such content.
(2) Although we do not regularly monitor the content posted by Users / Clients, we reserve the right to do so and to remove content that violates these Terms (or the applicable law) of which we are aware, but we have no obligation to does this thing.
(3) In the event that we will be held responsible for the content posted by the Users / Clients on the Platform, we reserve the right to direct ourselves against the respective User / Client for a complete repair of the damage suffered.
(4) Any use or dependence on any content or materials posted through the Platform or obtained by you through the Platform is at your own risk. If we are notified by a third party that the content you submit or post violates these Terms or any applicable law, either through a letter or in the spirit of these Terms, we reserve the right to remove this content from the Platform without you prior notification.
(5) We do not encourage, support, represent or guarantee in any way the accuracy of the content or communications posted through the Platform, nor do we support and / or join the opinions expressed by Users / Customers on the existing Products through the Platform, which are solely responsible for the content. respectively.
(6) By using the Platform, you agree and accept that you may be exposed to content that may be defamatory, derogatory, inaccurate or inappropriate or, in certain cases, that there may be misleading posts. We will in no way be responsible for this content, including, but not limited to errors or omissions or for any kind of harm, material or moral, directly or indirectly that has been posted, transmitted by email or networks. socializing or made in any other public way through the Products, the Platform or in another context.
13.2 Use of the Platform
(1) You will not use the Platform:
(a) in any manner that violates any local, national or other laws or regulations or any order of a court in any relevant jurisdiction;
(b) for any purpose not permitted by these Terms;
(c) in any manner that violates the rights of any person or entity, including their copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights or other private or contractual rights;
(d) to distribute advertisements of any kind or position or to communicate in any other way any false or deceptive material or message of any kind, including regarding competitors, potential competitors, etc .;
(e) in any way that, with or without intent, harasses, threatens or intimidates any other User or visitor;
(f) in any way, whether it is intentional or not, promotes or incites racism, violence, hatred or physical or moral injury of any kind;
(g) in any manner that is abusive, defamatory, inaccurate, obscene, offensive or sexually explicit;
(h) to post photos or pictures of another person without his permission (and if he is a minor, the permission of the legal guardian of the minor);
(i) to promote illegal activities or in any way that may lead to the encouragement, acquisition or conduct of any illicit or criminal activity or which may cause injury, suffering or inconvenience to any person;
(j) access, manipulate, cause damage or use areas that are not intended for the public of the Company’s services, information systems, servers or equipment or technical delivery systems of our suppliers
(k) access or attempt to access data of other Product / Platform Users or to penetrate, access, penetrate any of the security measures relating to the Products or to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or to avoid any security or authentication measures;
(l) in any way that, intentionally or not, misleads or is intended to deceive another User or visitor of the Platform;
(m) to introduce any malware, virus or other malicious software (worm) that damages or interferes with the operation of the Products offered, including, but not limited to cancelbots, denial of service attacks, time bombs , worms, Trojan horses, viruses or any other malicious software or hardware;
(n) interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to do so) the access of any User, host or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spaming, mail bombing of services or writing creative scripts content so as to interfere or create an undue burden on services;
(o) to copy, modify or distribute the content of other Users without their consent;
(p) for commercial purposes other than those expressly permitted in these Terms;
(q) bypass the measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Products;
(r) to solicit or provide illegal services;
(s) to collect or collect information about other Users or visitors without their consent;
(t) to gain unauthorized access to the Products, the server on which the Products are stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Products;
(u) to falsify any TCP / IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email or posting, or in any way use the Products to send altered, misleading or false source information;
(v) scratch, crawl or otherwise keep or use the Products or any content for phishing, spam, trolling or any unauthorized (commercial) purpose; or
(w) to promote or support or request involvement in any other platform or political, religious cause (recognized as organized or unorganized), cult or sect of any kind.
(2) We shall not be liable for any damages caused to you as a User or Customer or to any third party as a result of the fulfillment by us of any of our obligations under the Order and for any damages resulting from the use of the Products delivered. To the extent that the limitation of liability according to the above is not possible according to the applicable laws, we will answer within the limit of the value of the Products that formed the object of the Order.
You are solely responsible for the implementation of any information on the Platform in the treatments you perform to patients. We are not responsible and we will not be liable for any treatment that you have made as a result of information on the Platform.
(3) You oblige to keep in safe conditions the username and password related to the Account, being the only responsible in case of their fraudulent use by a third party.
(4) We are not liable for any damage caused by any technical malfunctions of the Platform (e.g., the impossibility of accessing any link on the Platform).
14. Notices and complaints
(1) You can generally contact us at the e-mail address of the “Contact” section of the Platform for any questions or problems you have regarding the Products, including to identify and correct any errors that occur when entering the data. depending on the technical developments of the Platform, it is possible to have at hand other methods of communication with us (such as online chat, communication from your User account, social networks, etc.), which we will inform you. however, if you do not tell us about these issues prior to issuing the notification or starting the supply of the Products, these changes will only be possible in exceptional cases, which does not involve a disproportionate effort on our part and which are valid from the point of see legal.
(2) For complaints or complaints related to Products, you have at your disposal the notification form available on the Platform or other available contact mode, depending on the technical developments of the Platform. If there is no section dedicated to the notifications, you will be able to follow the procedure described above.
(3) The notifications thus received will be resolved by us within 30 (thirty) calendar days from their receipt.
Any dissatisfaction related to accessing, using, registering on our site, placing an order, issues related to the placed order, aspects related to registration for events and the like, will be communicated directly to us, either by telephone, at no. by phone 0771735518 or by email at contact@dentonnect.ro
Your dissatisfaction will be recorded and you will receive a written response to the email address mentioned on the occasion of bringing your dissatisfaction to our notice, as soon as possible.
The client declares that he / she agrees not to make these complaints public (on social networks, media, discussions at private parties or in any other way) subject to the damages caused for the image damage caused to the owner of the site by these actions.
It is forbidden to copy, distribute, publish, modify, supplement, use, expose, include, bind, transmit, remove marks, photographs, images, text, display, sell, etc., content, data, information, photographs or other information. found on the site or on the platforms / programs to which you purchase access through the site, without the express written permission of DentConnect SRL.
It is not allowed to send in favor of a third party your access code to the online programs marketed through the site, nor to access the site from more than 5 different IPs.
No Customer acquires, by using and accessing the site, any right or license to use any of the information on the site or any intellectual / industrial property right on the products and / or services ordered from the site.
No customer has the right to use an automatic or manual device to monitor the materials available on the site.
By using the Platform, the Client understands and agrees to transmit to the Seller personal data, these data will be subject to processing in accordance with and for the purposes provided in the Privacy Policy, which complements these Terms and Conditions
15. Strong major
(1) Neither the Seller nor the Customer shall be liable for the non-performance of its contractual obligations, if such failure to execute on time and / or properly, total or partial, is due to an event of force majeure as defined by the civil code Romanian.
(2) If within 15 (fifteen) days from the occurrence of the force majeure event, the respective event does not cease, either Seller or Customer shall have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of the Contract without any of them can claim the other damages.
15.1. Applicable law & dispute settlement
(1) This document represents a legal contract concluded at a distance, accepted by its simple check and is subject to Romanian law.
(2) We will all try to amicably resolve any disputes or misunderstandings that may arise. To the extent that amicable settlement will not be possible, disputes will be settled by the Romanian courts competent according to the law.
(3) Details on alternative dispute resolution methods are available here:
16. Changes to this document
16.1 The invalidity of any provision of the Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, does not affect the validity of the other provisions or parts of the provisions. If certain provisions of the Terms and Conditions become invalid, in whole or in part, or if a point has not been included in the Terms and Conditions, they will not affect the validity of the other provisions. The invalid or missing provision is replaced by an appropriate provision which, to the extent legally acceptable, approaches what the contracting parties intended or, after the intention and expression of the terms and conditions, what was sought by the parties was notified. in relation to the missing or invalid provision.
16.2 The Supplier reserves the right to modify / complete the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, and this modification / supplement will be published on the Online Platform. The seller will decide in each case the care is an option to notify a User (pop-ups, push notification, e-mail, etc.).
16.3 By continuing to use the Online Platform following the entry into force of any changes / additions, the User agrees to comply with them.
16.4 The user has the obligation to periodically check the Terms and Conditions.
16.5 The Online Platform, the Services, including, but not limited to, any changes, supplements, revisions and / or derivative instruments thereof, the related intellectual property rights are owned by the Supplier and protected by copyright, trademarks and other regulations. legal and international treaties.
This document was last updated on 20.12.2023.